Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

This is The Answer of Your Question

The are more people ask to me about SDI now. Over all, SDI have still find the truely form. But about condition each of the people is like bellow :

RIZKY DWI RAHMAWAN - Owner All Bussines under Unit Mandiri SDI that still active until now
HILMY NUGRAHA - (no info)
WAHYU ANDRI NUGROHO - Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Purwokerto
KARYANTO - Distribution agent of houseware
FIKRY ANSHORI FANANI - Owner PT Satria Telco Indonesia
HANIE MARIA H - Pioner Padang Ilalang (Komunitas Pencarian Bakat)
KUSWORO - Owner SPEC Purwokerto
MEISA INDIANA FITRI - OTO Finance Banjarnegara
RIANITA NURPRATIWI - Staff Manager of Bebek Goreng H. Slamet Tegal
M HUDA PRAKOSO - Direction of iPhoint
NARKIM DWI PAMUNGKAS - Staff on Bebek Goreng H. Slamet Tegal
ANNA PRATIWI - TPA Teacher on Mafaza Mosque
AZIS CAHYADI - Gerai Telkomsel Cilacap

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