Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

I Like This Name

Because it's now time to learn again what we had learn : Re Learn

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

This is The Answer of Your Question

The are more people ask to me about SDI now. Over all, SDI have still find the truely form. But about condition each of the people is like bellow :

RIZKY DWI RAHMAWAN - Owner All Bussines under Unit Mandiri SDI that still active until now
HILMY NUGRAHA - (no info)
WAHYU ANDRI NUGROHO - Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Purwokerto
KARYANTO - Distribution agent of houseware
FIKRY ANSHORI FANANI - Owner PT Satria Telco Indonesia
HANIE MARIA H - Pioner Padang Ilalang (Komunitas Pencarian Bakat)
KUSWORO - Owner SPEC Purwokerto
MEISA INDIANA FITRI - OTO Finance Banjarnegara
RIANITA NURPRATIWI - Staff Manager of Bebek Goreng H. Slamet Tegal
M HUDA PRAKOSO - Direction of iPhoint
NARKIM DWI PAMUNGKAS - Staff on Bebek Goreng H. Slamet Tegal
ANNA PRATIWI - TPA Teacher on Mafaza Mosque
AZIS CAHYADI - Gerai Telkomsel Cilacap

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

Divided into Eight

I divided my day into eight part, that some part separated by sholat, such as Dhuha, Dzuhur, Ashar, Maghrib than the other part is changing at 9:00 PM, 12:00 PM, 3:00 AM and 6:00.

I try to practice the use of part 1 to pampering my self, part 2 until 6 to finishing my pipe "entrepeneurship" building anda part 7 & 8 to take a rest.

I know that is not yet optimumly.

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

My Jihad

from a friend, he tell to me about spoken from a women on USA, she is a muslimah, she tell to us what definition of "jihad" according her version. Jihad is she save her defense inside the community that drugging, free sex and other negatif activites.

Yes, like her. This is my jihad. This condition is not easy to me. Just imagine, how a can get push more than one push from more than one side, from top, from bottom, from beside... oh no, thats so painful...

friend, i need your ear, i need your shoulder to face this..

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Today 10 Years Ago

Ten years ago, at the same day with today, I was MOS or New Student Orientation. On SMP 1 Banyumas.
Ten years not a short time. Ten years i meet, know & friend with Eli Triastuti, Kartika Indrawati, Giri Cahyadi, Izar Handika Ilmawan, Andriyanto, Latifa Ratna and a hundred more other name.

If when was it happen, i know that the time will be a beautiful moment, i will never make it futile..

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

After Midyear

Welcome July, its mean a half of 2010 had lost. This month i have 3 postulat that i would to try on practical.

1. People that reach success is always begin with his or her success in definiting the reality. Yes, just the people that can infiltrate his or her dream to reality that he or she can reach success.

2. Action is replica of our principe. People that have principe this and that but in small action he or she can represent this, its mean he or she not yet have this and that principe

3. If you fail, you may left everyting, but you not might left your positive self concept.