The are more people ask to me about SDI now. Over all, SDI have still find the truely form. But about condition each of the people is like bellow :
RIZKY DWI RAHMAWAN - Owner All Bussines under Unit Mandiri SDI that still active until now
HILMY NUGRAHA - (no info)
WAHYU ANDRI NUGROHO - Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Purwokerto
KARYANTO - Distribution agent of houseware
FIKRY ANSHORI FANANI - Owner PT Satria Telco Indonesia
HANIE MARIA H - Pioner Padang Ilalang (Komunitas Pencarian Bakat)
KUSWORO - Owner SPEC Purwokerto
MEISA INDIANA FITRI - OTO Finance Banjarnegara
RIANITA NURPRATIWI - Staff Manager of Bebek Goreng H. Slamet Tegal
M HUDA PRAKOSO - Direction of iPhoint
NARKIM DWI PAMUNGKAS - Staff on Bebek Goreng H. Slamet Tegal
ANNA PRATIWI - TPA Teacher on Mafaza Mosque
AZIS CAHYADI - Gerai Telkomsel Cilacap
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